Alvarez is a lethal dosage of corruption
. What a shame, a person with all those credential's, diploma's, degrees, education.
Words are cheap, sucker punches are a dime a dozen, double talk is popular. Balls, backbone, spit, piss and vinegar and a good person, is another thing. .
You can't ask a person to be honest, good and truthful, to have morals, ethics, a code of conduct, humanity, if they don't know what it means or if they don't want to. Not for one second, sure, you could get a lot of double talk, but when it comes down to it,that's all it is.
Maybe this was never taught in school or the schools she went to, had no clue, apparently, she has no clue.
Another Cook County States Attorney that is clueless. Devine, got the same "email" every one else did, clueless.
In front of the world, day after day, she and her friends, are murdering, stabbing to death;
justice, liberty, society, integrity, honor, respect, law, leadership
There is no end in sight,
Nobody can survive this lethal dosage of corruption.
Maybe some day she will wake up? Who's going to wake her up, the chief deptuy county da? A worthless rising star (future D.A.) Mayor Daily? Madigan? Quinn? Burris? Durbin? If you ask me, they are out like a light, maybe a over dose of self rightous.